Standard Files

This page outlines a set of required standard files and their contentst that each Project must adhere to.

If you created your GitHub Repository from our Community Template, these files will be created in your repository - you’ll just need to amend content as directed below.

Files YOU should create

Code Owners

Every repository must define who owns it.

Here are some groups you can reference if appropriate:

@sonatype-nexus-community/community-leadersLeaders of the Sonatype Open Source Community

Template files from the Community Project Template


This file contains project-specific information aiding others in providing contributions to the project. We recommend using the template and expanding to include your project specific information such as:

  • Development Guidelines
  • Coding Conventions
  • How to test and testing expectations


This file contains the Open Source license applicable to this project. You can just copy the license from the template repository.


This is your projects “shop-window”. We’ve provided a boilerplate template for you. Use this to introduce the project, define it’s purpose, explain how to use it etc…

You should not repeat information contained in other documentation files (such as Contributing), but you should link to other documentation files.

Organization Defined Files

The following files are defined at the GitHub Organization level (in this repository) and you DO NOT need to copy or reproduce them in your project.

Code of Conduct

This file defines our conduct to define community standards, signal a welcoming and inclusive project, and outline procedures for handling abuse.

Security Policy

Provides instructions for how to report a security vulnerability in your project by adding a security policy to your repository.