Code Quality

We require all Sonatype Community Projects to undertake scans by SonarCloud (first party code analysis) and Sonatype Lifecycle (third party dependency analysis) as a minimum.

First Party Code Analysis

We utilise SonarCloud’s Automatic Analysis.

Request your project is added to the Sonatype Nexus Community Sonar Cloud instance by reaching out to the Community Maintainers.

Once configured in SonarCloud, analysis will be automatic. You should configure SonarCloud Analysis as a required check for PRs into your main branch.

Additional configuration can be controlled by through the use of a file - read more here.

Status Badge

We encourage projects to include a SonarCloud status badge in their readme. An example to add to your README might be as follows:

[![Security Rating](](

Replace with your repository name.

Dependency Analysis

We utilise a dedicated Cloud instance of Sonatype Lifecycle for Sonatype Community Projects.

To add analysis, you should include something similar to the below GitHub Workflow example below.

name: Continue Integration Checks


      - main


# Env Vars
  LC_APPLICATION_ID: $(echo "${{ github.repository }}" | cut -d '/' -f2)

  # You might have other jobs to run in parallel here  

        name: Code Quality
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        timeout-minutes: 5
            - name: Checkout Code
              uses: actions/checkout@v4
                  # Disabling shallow clone is recommended for improving relevancy of reporting
                  fetch-depth: 0

            # Run any preparation steps here - such as `npm install`

            - name: Sonatype Lifecycle Evaluation
              uses: sonatype-nexus-community/iq-github-action@master
                  serverUrl: ${{ secrets.SONATYPE_LIFECYCLE_URL }}
                  username: ${{ secrets.SONATYPE_LIFECYCLE_USERNAME }}
                  password: ${{ secrets.SONATYPE_LIFECYCLE_PASSWORD }}
                  applicationId: ${{ env.LC_APPLICATION_ID }}
                  stage: Build
                  target: .

The referenced secrets are provided at a GitHub Organization level.