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Contributing to a Project

We thank you in advance for contributing to our Open Source Community!

Contributions come is all shapes and sizes - and we welcome them all. We ask that for the benefit of the wider community the following guidelines are followed depending on the contribution you wish to make.

  • 💡Want to discuss an idea?
    Read our guide on discussions and ideas here.

  • 🪲 Want to report a bug or issue?
    Read our guide on issue reporting here.

  • 🧑‍💻 Want to contribute a change?
    Read our guide on sumitting contributions here.

1 - Discussing Ideas

Ideas are great 💡

If you want to raise one, or join the discussion, we recommend all projects use GitHub Discussions.

Please make sure you follow our Code of Conduct at all times.

2 - Reporting Issues or Bugs

Whilst these open source efforts are supported by Sonatype Contributors, these Open Source Projects are not officially supported through Sonatype’s commercial support channels.

Please review the latest pull requests, issues, and commits to understand a projects readiness for contribution and use.

File suggestions and requests on the Sonatype Open Source Project in question using GitHub Issues, so that the community can pitch in.

DO use or contribute to a Sonatype Open Source Project according to your organization’s policies and your own risk tolerance.

DON’T file Sonatype support tickets related to a Sonatype Open Source Project — it won’t reach the right people that way.

Last but not least of all - have fun!

3 - Submitting a Contribution

We welcome contributions via Pull Requests to our Community Projects.

Please ensure they meet these guidelines:

  1. Has a clear and singular purpose
  2. It is backed by one or more GitHub Issues in the project
  3. Has appropriate test coverage for the Pull Requests purpose (if you add or modify functionality, make sure you add tests for this!)
  4. Meet the Projects Code Style Convention and Contribution Guidelines (see in the specific Project)

If you’ve not signed our latest Contributor License Agreement (CLA), you’ll be prompted on the Pull Request by our CLA Bot - PaulBotsco.